Characterization data | |
Accession number |
Accession species |
Papaver somniferum L.
1 Leaf: Hairiness |
1, absent
2 Leaf: White spots |
1, absent
3 Leaf: Color |
3, bluish green
4 Leaf: Waxiness | |
5 Leaf: Depth of incisions of margin |
2, medium
6 Main steam: Length |
3, short
7 Steam: Anthocyanin coloration |
1, absent
8 Steam: Hairiness |
1, absent or weak
9 Flower bud: Anthocyanin coloration |
1, absent
10 Petal: Color |
7, medium violet
11 Petal: Marking |
2, blotch
12 Petal: Color of marking |
5, dark violet
13 Petal: Extension of marking from base |
2, up to widest point
14 Petal: Incisions |
1, absent
15 Filament: Color |
3, dark violet
16 Capsule: Waxiness |
2, medium
17 Capsule: Anthocyanin coloration |
1, absent
18 Capsule: Shape in longitudinal section |
5, elliptic
19 Capsule: Shape of base |
1, pointed
20 Capsule: Length |
5, medium
21 Capsule: Diameter |
3, small
22 Capsule: Ribbing |
1, absent or shallow
23 Capsule: Dehiscence |
1, indehiscent
24 Stigmatic disc: Shape |
2, semi-erect
25 Stigmatic disc: Number of carpels |
5, medium
26 Stigmatic disc: Apex of carpels |
2, rounded
27 Seed: Color |
7, medium bluish
28 Time of flowering |
3, early
29 Capsule: Morphine content | |
30 Capsule: Codeine content | |
31 Capsule: Thebaine content | |
32 Capsule: Narcotine content |