Passport data

0 National Inventory code

Code identifying the National Inventory; the code of the country preparing the National Inventory. Exceptions are possible, if agreed with EURISCO such as NGB.
Example: NLD

1 FAO institute code

FAO Institute Code of the institute where the accession is maintained.
Example: NLD037

2 Accession number

This number serves as a unique identifier for accessions within a genebank collection, and is assigned when a sample is entered into the genebank collection.
Example: CGN00254

3 Collecting number

Original number assigned by the collector(s) of the sample, normally composed of the name or initials of the collector(s) followed by a number. This number is essential for identifying duplicates held in different collections.
Example: FA90-110

4 Collecting institute code

Code of the Institute collecting the sample. If the holding institute has collected the material, the collecting institute code (COLLCODE) should be the same as the holding institute code (INSTCODE).
Example: NLD037

5 Genus name

Genus name for taxon, in latin. Initial uppercase letter required.
Example: Allium

6 Taxon name

Specific epithet portion of the scientific name, in latin, in lowercase letters. Following abbreviation is allowed: ‘sp.’
Example: paniculatum

7 Species authority

The authority for the species name.
Example: L.

8 Subtaxa

Subtaxa can be used to store any additional taxonomic identifier, in latin. Following abbreviations are allowed: ‘subsp.’ (for subspecies); ‘convar.’ (for convariety); ‘var.’ (for variety); ‘f.’ (for form).
Example: subsp. fuscum

9 Subtaxa authority

The subtaxa authority at the most detailed taxonomic level.
Example: (Waldst. et Kit.) Arc.

10 Common crop name

Name of the crop in colloquial language, preferably English.
Example: malting barley
Example: cauliflower

11 Accession name

Either a registered or other formal designation given to the accession. First letter uppercase. Multiple names separated with semicolon without space.
Example: Rheinische Vorgebirgstrauben;Emma;Avlon

12 Acquisition date

Date on which the accession entered the collection as YYYYMMDD. Missing data (MM or DD) should be indicated with hyphens. Leading zeros are required.
Example: 1968----
Example: 20020620

13 Country of origin

Code of the country in which the sample was originally collected.
Example: NLD

14 Location of collecting site

Location information below the country level that describes where the accession was collected. This might include the distance in kilometres and direction from the nearest town, village or map grid reference point
Example: 7 km south of Curitiba in the state of Parana

15 Latitude of collecting site

Degree (2 digits) minutes (2 digits), and seconds (2 digits) followed by N (North) or S (South). Every missing digit (minutes or seconds) should be indicated with a hyphen. Leading zeros are required
Example: 10----S
Example: 011530N
Example: 4531--S

16 Longitude of collecting site

Degree (3 digits), minutes (2 digits), and seconds (2 digits) followed by E (East) or W (West). Every missing digit (minutes or seconds) should be indicated with a hyphen. Leading zeros are required.
Example: 0762510W
Example: 076----W

17 Elevation of collecting site

Elevation of collecting site expressed in meters above sea level. Negative values are allowed.
Example: 763

18 Collecting date of sample

Collecting date of the sample as YYYYMMDD. Missing data (MM or DD) should be indicated with hyphens. Leading zeros are required.
Example: 1968----
Example: 20020620

19 Breeding institute code

FAO Institute Code of the institute that has bred the material.

20 Biological status of accession

The coding scheme proposed can be used at 3 different levels of detail: either by using the general codes (in boldface) such as 100, 200, 300, 400 or by using the more specific codes such as 110, 120 etc.
100) Wild
110) Natural
120) Semi-natural/wild
200) Weedy
300) Traditional cultivar/landrace
400) Breeding/research material
410) Breeder's line
411) Synthetic population
412) Hybrid
413) Founder stock/base population
414) Inbred line (parent of hybrid cultivar)
415) Segregating population
420) Mutant/genetic stock
500) Advanced/improved cultivar
999) Other (Elaborate in REMARKS field)

21 Ancestral data

Information about either pedigree or other description of ancestral information (i.e. parent variety in case of mutant or selection).
Example: Hanna/7*Atlas//Turk/8*Atlas
Example: mutation found in Hanna
Example: selection from Irene
Example: cross involving amongst others Hanna and Irene

22 Collecting/acquisition source

The coding scheme proposed can be used at 2 different levels of detail: either by using the general codes (in boldface) such as 10, 20, 30, 40 or by using the more specific codes such as 11, 12 etc.
10) Wild habitat
11) Forest/woodland
12) Shrubland
13) Grassland
14) Desert/tundra
15) Aquatic habitat
20) Farm or cultivated habitat
21) Field
22) Orchard
23) Backyard, kitchen or home garden (urban, peri-urban or rural)
24) Fallow land
25) Pasture
26) Farm store
27) Threshing floor
28) Park
30) Market or shop
40) Institute, Experimental station, Research organization, Genebank
50) Seed company
60) Weedy, disturbed or ruderal habitat
61) Roadside
62) Field margin
99) Other (Elaborate in REMARKS field)

23 Donor institute code

FAO Institute Code for the donor institute.

24 Donor accession number

Number assigned to an accession by the donor.
Example: NGB1912

25 Other identification (numbers) associated with the accession

Any other identification (numbers) known to exist in other collections for this accession. Use the following system: INSTCODE:ACCENUMB;INSTCODE:ACCENUMB;… INSTCODE and ACCENUMB follow the standard described above and are separated by a colon. Pairs of INSTCODE and ACCENUMB are separated by a semicolon without space. When the institute is not known, the number should be preceded by a colon.
Example: NLD037:CGN00254
Example: SWE002:NGB1912;:Bra2343

26 Location of safety duplicates

FAO Institute Code of the institute where a safety duplicate of the accession is maintained. The codes consist of the 3-letter ISO 3166 country code of the country where the institute is located plus a number.

27 Type of germplasm storage

If germplasm is maintained under different types of storage, multiple choices are allowed (separated by a semicolon).
10) Seed collection
11) Short term
12) Medium term
13) Long term
20) Field collection
30) In vitro collection (Slow growth)
40) Cryopreserved collection
99) Other (elaborate in REMARKS field)

28 Remarks

The remarks field is used to add notes or to elaborate on descriptors with value 99 or 999 (=Other). Prefix remarks with the field name they refer to and a colon. Separate remarks referring to different fields are separated by semicolons without space.
Example: COLLSRC:roadside

29 Decoded collecting institute

Brief name and location of the collecting institute. Only to be used if COLLCODE can not be used since the FAO Institution Code for this institute is not (yet) available.
Example: Tuinartikelen Jan van Zomeren, Arnhem, The Netherlands

30 Decoded breeding institute

Brief name and location of the breeding institute. Only to be used if BREDCODE can not be used since the FAO Institution Code for this institute is not (yet) available.
Example: CFFR from Chile

31 Decoded donor institute

Brief name and location of the donor institute. Only to be used if DONORCODE can not be used since the FAO Institution Code for this institute is not (yet) available.
Example: Nelly Goudwaard, Groningen, The Netherlands

32 Decoded safety duplication location

Brief name and location of the institute maintaining the safety duplicate. Only to be used if DUPLSITE can not be used since the FAO Institution Code for this institute is not (yet) available.
Example: Pakhoed Freezers inc., Paramaribo, Surinam

33 Accession URL

Accession URL

34 MLS Status

The coded status of an accession with regards to the Multilateral System (MLS) of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.

35 AEGIS Status

The coded status of an accession with regards to the European Genebank Integrated System (AEGIS).